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Beef with broad bean flowers and wild garlic

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Our broad beans have started this seasons show and without the patience to wait for the beans we have decided to eat the flowers first. They have a distinctly broad beany flavour and they work well in the recipe below, as well as making the dish far prettier. Having found a bit of wild garlic this weekend as well we also decided to use some and leaves.

Beef Carpaccio with broad bean flowers and wild garlic

Take a bit of beef fillet or sirloin and roll in salt and pepper, sear in a hot pan, cool and roll in cling film till tight like a sausage. Chuck in the freezer till it is firm enough to slice thinly (about the thickness of a 20p will do)arrange on a plate.

Whilst the beef is firming up prepare the dressing. Mix the juice of half a lemon with a fillet of anchovy, a tea spoon of dijon mustard and add mayo (or emulsify with a yolk and oil) till its at a drizzling consistancy.

Thats about it, place your broad beam flowers around on top of the beef, shave a bit of parmesan over, a few small leaves would be good (we used red veined sorrel), a thinly sliced radish, sliced wild garlic leaves and also the wild garlic flowers and then drizzle the dressing.


Enyoy in the sun with the booze of your choice!

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