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Turmeric and mustard courgettes

The courgettes are going mad in our new bed this year, helped by the two loads of manure we filled it with from the stables over the road i am sure.

The recipie below is great for using up a glut and tastes great with cheese and fish.

Turmeric and Mustard Courgettes

2kg Courgettes

8 tbsp salt

4 onions

2 litres cider vinegar

480g caster sugar

6 tsp dry mustard powder

6 tsp yellow and brown mustard seeds (toasted and half of them crushed)

3 tsp ground turmeric

First slice the courgettes and onions add the salt and leave for an hour.

When the hour is up give them a rinse with water and dry out in a salad spinner.

Whilst waiting for your courgettes make up the pickling mix by chucking all the ingredients in a pan, bringing to the boil and then simmering for 20 mins.

Allow the pickling mix to cool, just warm is fine, whilst packing the courgettes and onion into sterilized jars.

Pour over the liquid, making sure each jar has got some seeds in it and that the contents are covered with liquid, seal and wait for a week.

These last as long as it yakes you to eat them, last years supply we finished a couple of months ago and they had just got better.

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