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Blackberry and stem ginger chutney

Our friends on the other side of the valley, Ken and Chris, are far more competent gardeners than we could ever hope to be. Regularly they make this abundantly clear as they pop round with their surplus.

Today it was two straining carrier bags of plump blackberries.

This recipe is really perfect with game birds like pheasant or pigeon.

Blackberry and stem ginger chutney

1kg blackberries

350g caster sugar

350g stem ginger, chopped fine

4 onions finely diced

300ml white wine vinegar

4 tbsp dijon mustard

Put caster sugar, stem ginger, diced onion, 4 tbsp dijon, and wwv into a pot and simmer till it starts to thicken, chuck in the blackerries and simmer for 5 mins. If the mix still looks wet then put it through a sieve and reduce the liquid.

Put into sterilized jars.

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